This rant is dedicated to Specialist D.
Everything that happens in your life is YOUR FAULT. You did it! I am sick and tired of people refusing to take responsibility for their lives. Everyday I seem to hear people actually blaming things that they do to themselves on other people. Even worse, I have had to listen to someone blame a PLACE for things that he physically did to himself. I will admit that I find myself playing to blame game from time to time, but now that I understand I do this, I can correct most of the time.
The key word here is RESPONSIBILITY. I fully believe that if people would start taking responsibility for everything that happens to them in life, they will become happier, more successful individuals.

When I say take responsibility for everything, I mean EVERYTHING. It is so easy to blame even the smallest of things on others. For instance, if you are late to work because traffic is bad, most likely you will blame the traffic. Why not blame yourself for not leaving early enough to give yourself time for bad traffic?
Grant Cardone gave an amazing example of taking responsibility in his book
The 10X Rule. He said that when the power goes out at your house, instead of blaming the electric company, blame yourself for not owning a generator. Now that's taking responsibility.
Wouldn't it be a great world if every time someone did something stupid they owned up to it? Instead we have a bunch of wussies and cowards that would rather blame others than to take responsibility.
How to you correct this behavior? First, you correct yourself by taking responsibility for everything you do. Good or bad (yes I said good too). Next, grow a pair and call others out when you see them not owning up to their own mistakes. We need to get over being nice and politically correct. Take action and let others know when they screw up. It's not mean to tell someone their doing something stupid. In fact, I believe it's NICE to be honest with people and tell them when they are being idiots, it's the only way they will know.
I'm actually getting a little heated up just writing this blog. I hope I got most of my point across. And hopefully, at least one person that reads this can take something good from it.